My father and my older brother was HAM too and in Radim worked club station OK1KOL. Radios were around me from childhood. I started as SWL in 1982. I passed exam and I could work from club station. I got my private novice license OL1VKA in 1985. I could work on VHF with power 10W. I was able to work with few nice dx via SporadicE and Aurora. I worked as member OK1KOL in VHF contests.
I began interest digital traffic. I experimented with RTTY. We had mechanical teletype in club. I constructed converter. Result: big bobbery, big fun, very much paper printed and nothing readable. Second attempt was with small computer ATARI and new converter. After many hours I saw first qso in screen. I had more then 40 DXCC RTTY as SWL soon.
Novice license expired when I was 19 years old. I passed next exam and I got really license OK1UAK in 1990. I could to have 25W power, later 100W only 144MHz and up. Now, I can work on all bands. I start hunting locators on 144MHz.
The first attempt with meteor-scatter was in August 1992(Perseids shower). I worked two stations. Because my power was small, I worked only 1-3 MS qso per year. From 1998 I started work HSCW. It was more interesting, but next year I moved to Nachod. This town is in valley, very bad for VHF. Next 4 years I worked VHF only during my visits in Radim once or two per month, during meteor showers and in the big contests.
I used WSJT from 2001. It is FSK modulation and signal is made and detected by computer. It is very effective. Now we can work MS almost whole year and whole hours of day. I qrv via EME from 2005 year, but with 100w power is small. I can made qso only with big guns stations.
I began to work on HF from September 2007. I chnged call to OK5TK. It is much readeble than my old callsign. I use FT897 with 100W, antenna home made Windom 40,5m long but only 6-7 meters high. [top] Home page